Damijana MedvedDamijana Medved
Jakob ČukJakob Čuk
Andrej ŠinkoAndrej Šinko
Papež z islamskimi voditelji v Združenih arabskih emiratih (foto: Vatican News)
Papež z islamskimi voditelji v Združenih arabskih emiratih

Tudi evropski islamski voditelji podprli izjavo iz Abu Dhabija

Svet | 11.02.2019, 11:55 Marjana Debevec

Teden dni po podpisu zgodovinske izjave med papežem Frančiškom in velikim imamom univerze Al Azhar iz Egipta Al Tayyebom, se množijo odzivi nanjo. V polnosti jo je podprla koordinacija evropskih islamskih voditeljev. Po besedah poznavalca islama dr. Blaža Jezerška pa je prišel čas, ko se bomo verniki morali opredeliti, ali se z njo strinjamo ali ne.

Dokument je bil zelo natančno pripravljen, saj sta ga katoliška in islamska stran podrobno oblikovali več kot eno leto. Po besedah dr. Jezerška gre namreč za novo stran dialoga med krščanstvom in islamom. »Ne gre za dokument, ki bi ga nekdo stresel z rokava, ampak je dodobra premišljen in premeditiran in premoljen. Za en tak dokument je potrebnega veliko poguma. In papež ga je v tem primeru nedvomno pokazal. Veste prihodnost sveta ni v partikularizmu, ni v tem, da bi vsak obdeloval svoj vrtiček, ampak predvsem v povezovanju

S takšnimi in podobnimi dejanji, kot je bil tudi papežev obisk Svete dežele, potem Albanije in sedaj Združenih arabskih emiratov, papež kaže, da je predvsem graditelj mostov. »In to je njegova velika zasluga. Mislim, da mu bo zgodovina za to njegovo držo, za ta njegov pogum še hvaležna«, je prepričan dr. Blaž Jezeršek.

Eno od osnovnih sporočil tega dokumenta je, da je Bog ustvaril človeka zato, da bi ohranjal življenje. »Razumljivo je, da vse, kar tej ideji nasprotuje, nasprotuje tudi hkrati Božji volji: terorizem, prisilna izseljevanja, nenazadnje tudi splav in evtanazija

Kot že rečeno, je dokument, ki obsega slabih deset strani, podprla tudi koordinacija evropskih islamskih voditeljev. »Oni so že v tem prvem odgovoru na dokument jasno povedali, da ga popolnoma podpirajo in da bodo v času romunskega predsedovanja evropski skupnosti skušali organizirati določen forum, ki bo z vsebino te deklaracije seznanjal kar najširše občestvo evropskih voditeljev.«

Celotnemu pogovoru z dr. Blažem Jezerškom lahko prisluhnete v nedeljski oddaji Iz življenja vesoljne Cerkve.


EULEMA Press Release

on Abu Dhabi Document on Human Fraternity

signed by Pope Francis and Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyeb

This week, Monday 4th of February, in Abu Dhabi, several international Muslim leaders participated at the Global Conference on Human Fraternity and at the final meeting with Pope Francis and Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyeb. Among the participants from all over the world and from many religious communities, European Muslim Leaders were also present and have shared the Official Document for World Peace and Living Together with their colleagues in every European Nation.

EuLeMa is a coordination of European Muslim Leaders who share Institutional as well as Theological and Academic responsibilities and are seriously engaged in interreligious dialogue and intercultural education.

Having gone through the Document undersigned by Pope Francis and by Shaykh al-Azhar Ahmad al-Tayyeb this week in Abu Dhabi, we want to express our endorsement and commitment to this noble initiative and to the content of its message.

We are honoured to respond to the generous invitation addressed to “all persons who have faith in God and faith in human fraternity to unite and work together so that it may serve as a guide for future generations to advance a culture of mutual respect in the awareness of the great divine grace that makes all human beings brothers and sisters” and express our support to this Document.

We agree and are all well aware that “this Declaration, setting out from a profound consideration of our contemporary reality, valuing its successes and in solidarity with its suffering, disasters and calamities, believes firmly that among the most important causes of the crises of the modern world are a desensitized human conscience, a distancing from religious values and a prevailing individualism accompanied by materialistic philosophies that deify the human person and introduce worldly and material values in place of supreme and transcendental principles.”

In our Institutional and Educational role in European society we have engaged in the training on universal values common to Christianity and Islam as well as in other religious doctrines and to implement these guidelines in the context of contemporary society avoiding ghettoes, victimization, discrimination as well as standardization of human and religious identity.

Through this experience we can confirm the “importance of awakening religious awareness and the need to revive this awareness in the hearts of new generations through sound education and an adherence to moral values and upright religious teachings. In this way we can confront tendencies that are individualistic, selfish, conflicting, and also address radicalism and blind extremism in all its forms and expressions”.

EuLeMa would like to thank Pope Francis and the Christian Catholic Church and Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyeb and the Institution of Al-Azhar al-Sharif for the clear reference mentioned in the document to Freedom, Justice, Dialogue, the Protection of places of worship, the cooperation between East and West, the condemnation of terrorism, the value and dignity of Family, Women, Children, Elders and the poor. Living in Europe, let us express a special consideration for the point on Citizenship: “The concept of citizenship is based on the equality of rights and duties, under which all enjoy justice. It is therefore crucial to establish in our societies the concept of full citizenship and reject the discriminatory use of the term minorities which engenders feelings of isolation and inferiority. Its misuse paves the way for hostility and discord; it undoes any successes and takes away the religious and civil rights of some citizens who are thus discriminated against”.

EuLeMa members will be shortly meeting during Romanian European Presidency in Bucharest in order to study means and ways to implement the contents of Abu Dhabi Declaration and study common strategies to develop its success.

Rais al-ulama emeritus Mustafa Ceric, Bosnia

Mufti Nedzad Grabus, Slovenia

Imam Yahya Pallavicini, Italy

Imam Tarafa Baghajati, Austria

Sister Amina Baghajati, Austria

President Anouar Kbibech, France

Imam Sheikh Mohammad Ismail, United Kingdom

Sister Souad Onniselka, Finland

Shaykh Umar al-Qadri, Ireland

Mufti Yusuf Murat, Romania

Mufti Skender Brucaj, Albania

Mufti Ramadan Jakubauskas, Lithuania

Shaykh David Munir, Portugal

Sister Nailya Ziganshina, Russia

Imam Abdul-Wahid Pedersen, Denmark

Imam Muhammad Bascelic, Germany

Shaykh Adham Abd al-Al, Poland

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